Started a new decade with a killer of a party!!!

by Sharon
(Indiana, USA)

I love murder mysteries, so what better way to celebrate turning 40! First, I had to pick the perfect party. I chose Snow Business since the party would take place in December and we typically have snow. I also chose this one because only one other person had any experience with a Freeform Games murder mystery party. I wanted the guests to feel comfortable and not overwhelmed with dressing a part or having to spend money on a costume. Snow Business allowed everyone to dress in jeans and sweaters. Looking back this was a great choice for this particular group of people.

Second, I needed a hostess. I would have done this myself but I really wanted to participate. I asked a good friend who had never done a murder mystery if she would mind doing this. I mention this to show you don?t need any experience to host a murder mystery, just some good organizational skills.

Third, it was time to assign characters. I ended up using Ginger Roberts as an extra. I have also found it helpful to have two people run the kitchen, so I have created two characters we will use again, like Ginger Roberts. The characters are Sandra Lee and Betty Crocket. Their role is to refill the buffet and drinks, clear plates, etc. They are also allowed to pass messages for guest, at a price to the guest of course. I have two friends who did not want a regular role. They were afraid of messing something up but they loved playing these roles. They got to listen in on conversations and blackmail people with what they heard. They had so much fun that they have already asked to play these parts next time.

When I received the game my hostess notified me one of the characters dies at the beginning of the game. I had already had someone in mind for this character so we made a shirt that read, "Ghost of ****" and on the back of the shirt it read, "Help me to rest in peace." This character was allowed to wonder around all night listening in on whatever conversations they wanted to trying to figure out who killed them. (Fortunately I have a friend that can be silent for three hours.)

The night of the party arrived. It was a slow start, as I said before only two of us had ever done a Freeform Games murder mystery. Come to find out only one other person had ever done a dinner murder mystery. But once it got going it was a blast. At the end of the night everyone had a great time and they are asking when the next one will be. It has been a month and a half since my party and people are still talking about it that to me equals success.

I have done every type of Murder Mystery party out there and Freeform Games by far is the best. Thank you for helping me make by 40th unforgettable!

Click here to learn more about Snow Business.

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Feb 03, 2011
Happy belated 40th
by: Steve (GMMG)

Happy 40th - I'm glad [Snow Business] really worked out for you. And thanks for sharing such a great story!

I like your idea about the two extra characters (semi-hosts) to run the kitchen. You might try sending them to [Freeform Games] as they publish extra characters written by customers (and you might earn yourself a free game!)

I feel I should point out that [Snow Business] is designed so that the player of the murdered character gets a new character part-way through the game - just in case anyone is wondering.



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The Show Must Go On! - an English amateur dramatics themed themed murder mystery for 9-13 guests.

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