Engagement party

by Eddie

I'm going to be the Best Man and I'm organising a surprise engagement party for the bride to be.

I think it would be a great idea to do a murder mystery, but I don't really want it to be too complicated and too long as I feel the guests may lose interest and I have a DJ lined up also.

Are there any quite simple ones? Plus I'm renting out a function room, so it will all be happening in the function room.

I have never seen one of these before and I think as long as it lasts around two hours with buffet then would be good laugh.
Could you help please?

My response:

An engagement party? That's an interesting idea - be careful who you choose as the murderer and victim!

Anyway, the games on my site generally last between 3 and 4 hours long, including time to set up and wind down. They're aimed at taking up an entire evening - I think you'd struggle to get them down to two hours.

But it might be fun to try.

Probably the biggest issue you're likely to have is the number of guests - I imagine an engagement party could be pretty big, but there are fewer murder mystery party games for lots of guests.

If you do decide to go down this route, I strongly suggest that you do a dry run first and host one of the parties for a different group. Engagement parties are pretty important - and you wouldn't want to mess it up through inexperience!

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Jul 22, 2010
Engagement Party
by: Steve


For 40 people I suggest you try something like The Auction or The Last Gasp. They're both for up to 40 people, and if you know who is less likely to be interested in playing, then they can have one of the more optional roles.

You will have to squeeze it all in, however, if you want to get it done in two hours.

And if it were me, I'd want to try one of these games out first just so that you're confident it will all work out.

(You could try a smaller game such as The Final Curtain (which is by the same publisher as The Auction and The Last Gasp) first. You could even invite some of the guests so that they know what's going on and will be able to provide support and keep the game going during the engagement party.)

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Jul 21, 2010
Engagement party
by: Anonymous

Hi there thanks for the promt reply.
Theres around 40 guests so its not too big. Im just a bit scared as the groom is 25 and bride 20 that some of the guests wont want to do it.
How do they work i have downloaded a few testamonals and they sound good.
Most people will be expecting just to turn up get drunk and dance you see but i wanted to add something unique so everyone remembers it.

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