General Questions before purchase

by Lori

Hello! We own a small bed and breakfast in Va. USA. We will be hosting our first "Murder Mystery" week end the first week end in April, and I had a few questions before deciding to purchase.

1) I am looking at having between 8-14 participants, and I need a game that would be flexible with those numbers since I may not know until the last few days before the event who may or may not be participating. Do your games offer this flexibility?

2) Are the games re-usable, (we are an eco-friendly Inn and all about recycling!). I understand that I may need to order extra supplies each time we play the game, is this option available?

3) Is there one in particular that is fun and easy and you mmight recommend for a first timer? Most of the guests will not know each other, and we are located right on the water, (I am thinking some kind of pirate or water theme?)

4) On average, how long do the games last? I am ideally looking at @3 hours on a Sat. evening with drinks and food.

My response:

#1 - Yes the games on this site are that flexible. You can see the player numbers in the descriptions.

Games that are suitable for 8-14 guests include Bludgeoned on Broadway, The Final Curtain and others.

Unfortunately the pirate themed parties all need more players.

I suggest you start with the games on this page.

#2 - The games are all downloaded and then you print them out. If you want to play them again you'll need to print them out again. However, if you want to play some games more than once you have to buy them again (although not the case with Freeform Games).

Also, if you are using them commercially (which it sounds like you are) then you need to purchase a commercial license. You'll need to discuss that with the publishers direct. If you tell me which one you're interested in I can put you in touch with them.

#3 All of the games are suitable for first times, but The Final Curtain is a good starter game. However, you'd have to pay again to run it more than once (that's the terms of the license when you buy it).

(I wouldn't pick Curse of the Pharaoh as a game to start with as it's more complicated than most.)

#4 The games are designed to last an evening - about four hours including briefing, debriefing and actual playing time. Three hours with drinks and food is probably a little bit short.

I hope that helps!

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Cover for Backstage Business

Backstage Business - a 1980s rock music themed murder mystery for 18-22 guests.

Don't know where to start?

Here's my suggested quick route through the site:

Step 1 - Go to Choosing a Game to choose the game that suits your party best.

Step 2 - Review the Tips for Hosts for helpful advice.

Step 3 - If you want to keep up to date with the latest murder mystery game news, click on my What's New page.

Step 4 - Once you've had your party - tell me how it went! Click here to tell me your murder mystery party story.

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