Looking for suggestions for a Christmas murder mystery

by Marie-Anne

We would like to do a murder mystery Christmas dinner party for 18-20 people. We were thinking the 1920's theme, but not stuck on it. We want a game that is not too long. Any suggestions?

We are located in Vancouver, B.C. How long does it take to get the game?

My response:

This page on my site has games for 18-20 people. I suggest you pick one that you like the sound of.

I also suggest you check out my tips for hosting murder mystery games.

The games are designed to last for an evening - say about 2.5 hours to play the game itself, with half an hour either side for introductions and winding down.

The games take a bit longer with more people, so they might take another half an hour or so - it's really a judgement call as some groups will blitz their way through everything really quickly.

As for when they will arrive, the games are all downloaded over the internet, so you can get them almost immediately.

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Cover for The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On! - an English amateur dramatics themed themed murder mystery for 9-13 guests.

Don't know where to start?

Here's my suggested quick route through the site:

Step 1 - Go to Choosing a Game to choose the game that suits your party best.

Step 2 - Review the Tips for Hosts for helpful advice.

Step 3 - If you want to keep up to date with the latest murder mystery game news, click on my What's New page.

Step 4 - Once you've had your party - tell me how it went! Click here to tell me your murder mystery party story.

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