Not Enough Men in My Party

by Angela
(Sharon Hill, PA)

I'm throwing a party on the 21st and I'm stressing out for a number of reasons. I'm hoping you can help ease some of my anxiety. I saw Lei'd to Rest on your website and really love it.

I have 8 guests committed to coming but only two are men. Is gender integral to the plot or can sexes, (of the characters), be switched as needed. Also will the packet indicate which characters are necessary to the game and which can be left out if need be? Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

My response:

I take it that you haven't bought Lei'd to Rest - otherwise most of your questions would be answered.

First, yes, the game provides all the instructions including which characters to include and which to leave out.

As for the male/female balance, with only 8 guests only three of the characters have to be male. So all you need to do is find one of your female friends who doesn't mind cross-dressing for the party.

Click here to read more information on playing the opposite sex at a murder mystery party.

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Dec 04, 2009
by: Anonymous

Wow I have the opposite problem. Too many guys, not enough females..

Feb 19, 2009
Males Participation
by: Midori

I'm not sure if you had your party yet but I always have trouble getting guys to participate. I don't know what it is but males HATE committing. They don't agree to do it until like a week or even up to like the day before. It's so bothersome.

Usually, girls want to be girls but you have a few that don't mind cross dressing, so of course ask them. I sometimes turn it around on my gal friends and say you may have to play a boy if I can't get guys to come, so please ask any of your guy friends, boyfriends or husbands to come and play! They usually come through then (more so if they are bfs or husbands. LOL those guys have no choice then ;] ). So that's an option also.

Also, I do have some alcohol and food at my parties. So that brings guys in also. They follow their stomach.

But don't stress. Just stay on your guy friends and remind ( I bug relentlessly lol) them how much you'd so like them to come.

Good luck!

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