Does the murder take place at the party?

by Mary

A general question about the games - does the murder take place at the party? Does one of the characters have to die and come back as another character?

I'm currently looking at games that are for 15 plus one host and I have 15 people and me as the host.

I'm concerned that after I buy the game I'm going to find out that one of my people is going to die and that I won't have a character to bring them back as. I hope my question is clear.
Thanks, Mary

Great Murder Mystery Games response:

Hi Mary,

When a character is destined to die as part of the plot, then yes, another character is always provided. (Often this is the second murder as the party may have already started with one death.)

What happens is that the character dies at some predetermined point in the game (preferably in a dramatic way). They then sit out for a few minutes while they read their new character - and then rejoin the game.

(Sometimes the new character is the police inspector trying to solve the case.)

In some of the Freeform Games (such as Way out West), there are rules that allow the characters to try and kill each other. In this case, as the character death is unplanned (and may not happen), there are no spare characters provided. However, in all cases the Freeform Games rules state that characters cannot be killed until the end of the party - so that ensures that everyone can have an enjoyable game and not be killed five minutes in.

So you have nothing to worry about!

I hope that helps,


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Backstage Business - a 1980s rock music themed murder mystery for 18-22 guests.

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