I’ve run out of freeform games for 24-30 guests 😢

by Suzanne

Hi Steve- Mo recommended asking you for suggestions if games that are the most similar to your free form type games. We’ve tried others but like those best- but unfortunately our group has done all of them and one twice. We usually have 25-32 guests.

Which one on your site would you recommend? Need quickly- and could y’all please release another one on freeform!!

My response:

Glad to hear that you're enjoying our games, but sadly there aren't many others like Freeform Games.

You might want to look at The Auction or The Last Gasp or Cudham Riding Club by Murder Mystery Games, but it sounds as if you might have tried them.

Further afield, you could try a freeform larp, which is in the style of a Freeform Games game but can be a bit more complex, a bit more geeky, and may need a bit more work. (They rarely have optional characters, and the instructions can be a bit rudimentary.) There are a few here, although only two at the size you are looking at (and both co-written by me).

There's also The Black Hart of Camelot, which I've not tried so I can't vouch for. (I see the author has also written The Queen's Justice on the same site, but I don't know anything about that either.)

I hope that helps - as you can see there aren't many games in the 25-32 player range. They're a lot of effort to write and the market is generally smaller than for the smaller games.

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Nov 12, 2019
Murder Mystery Suggestion NEW
by: Anonymous

Dinner and a Murder has a couple of games that can play up to 40 with their add-on characters. I've played the Murder at the Four Deuces with the extra characters and it was quite fun.

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