We've played The Auction - what next?

by patti
(orange county, california, usa)

I hosted one of your murder games last year. The Von Munchen one (The Auction - steve). We are having another party with a few of the same people.

There will be 32 of us, which game would you suggest that will be different enough from the first? This is definitely not a church group and the more raunchy, the better!

My response:

I don't know about "raunchy", but the game with some of the most despicable and devious characters is Cudham Riding Club. It's by the same people as The Auction.

Alternatively, you could look at Murder at Sea or Hollywood Lies by Freeform Games.

Click here to learn more about Cudham Riding Club.

Click here to learn more about Hollywood Lies.

Click here to learn more about Murder at Sea.

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Aug 05, 2010
Third Mystery Game
by: Lynda

We first did The Auction and we were pretty tame. Next was The Last Gasp and we just 'added' a little to it. We doubled up on some of the characters. For instance, I had the choir director also be a killer for hire. All of the characters that you don't use, may have some great ideas for doubling up one person.

This year, we are doing East Side Story which is more like Grease. They suggested dance contests, but I am having groups of 4-5 compete in the dance contest. I will give them the dance and even sending the music in order for them to start practicing a month in advance. It will make their lunch hours more fun and make them excited about the party. I even made my own time line.

We are going to have a blast and everyone is already excited...it will be in October which has been giving me lots of time for new ideas and planning (which is as much fun as the party itself) You can add anything to their characters by just writing it in on their info in their envelopes.

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The Show Must Go On! - an English amateur dramatics themed themed murder mystery for 9-13 guests.

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